What is the purpose of BISC?

Business In Service to the Community servicing Point Chevalier, Waterview, Westmere and Western Springs.

Our mission is to use money raised from local businesses to support local schools and social endeavours. It’s all about the kids!

BISC is an organisation of business people who live in Pt Chevalier, Westmere and Western Springs and may or may not have children at Point Chevalier School, Westmere School, Pasadena Intermediate and Western Springs College. Members may have their own business or may be employed.

BISC is designed to present these people and businesses with the opportunity to:

  • Market their products and services to the 2000+ families in the local school communities
  • Meet other people similar to themselves at get-togethers at Pt Chevalier School, Westmere School and Pasadena Intermediate
  • Support Pt Chevalier School, Westmere School and Pasadena Intermediate through the payment of a nominal “joining fee”

The BISC website is an opportunity and an environment where businesses can showcase their services and goods.

Who is behind BISC?

Originally, BISC was organised and managed by a small group of parents of Point Chevalier School students, who either have their own business or are employees of businesses. However this has now grown and includes parents from Westmere School and Pasadena Intermediate. This initiative has the full support of Point Chevalier School PTA, Westmere School Parents Net, Pasadena Intermediate CAPS, Western Springs College Parent Action Group, their Board of Trustees and school management.

How will Pt Chevalier School, Westmere School, Pasadena Intermediate and Western Springs College benefit from BISC?

Your membership fee less any associated costs, will go directly to the schools. BISC will be fully audited.

Why join?

  • BISC provides networking opportunities for business owners from the Pt Chev, Westmere and Western Springs community to meet each other.
  • Guest speakers attend bi-monthly meetings to offer BISC members insight into either a community issue or a specific business area or skill.
  • BISC is an initiative to raise money for Point Chevalier School, Westmere School, Pasadena Intermediate and Western Springs College.
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